Welcome New Capp Partner BerryDunn
BerryDunn’s grant consulting services help clients identify and obtain needed funds from state, federal, and private foundation grants. BerryDunn offers a full suite of services, including turnkey grant development and management services, grant writing, as well as organizational development services to help your internal team build capacity and expertise.
Q: What do you love about grants management? Grant funding provides a means for entities of all types to deliver valuable and needed services and goods that might not be available otherwise. The opportunity for our team to be fortunate enough to collaborate with amazing entities to identify a need, develop a plan to address the need, fund it and ultimately bring about positive outcomes is a humbling experience and an amazing way to spend your working hours. Our entire team loves that they are given the ability to be even a small part of bringing about positive outcomes for others through our grant support efforts.
Q: What would you like NGMA members to know about your company? While the pre-award and post-award grant activities are often viewed as being rather standardized across the industry, BerryDunn works hard to provide our clients with value-added insights and support services that help our clients better navigate the world of grants. We continually assess the best way to educate and collaborate with our clients, including our innovative Strategic Grant Funding Capture & Management approach that utilizes easy to understand concepts to help clients prepare for and achieve strong outcomes. Our goal is to help our clients differentiate themselves from others during the funding application process and to build upon their success when they are awarded funding to comply with all funding requirements and achieve their stated outcomes.
Q: What is a surprising fact about your company? In the last three years, we have helped clients coordinate grant activities for over $6.4 billion of grant funding!
Q: How can NGMA members connect with you?
For more information about BerryDunn, visit our website.